Патентното ведомство на Австралия обяви новината за откриването на нов център за експертиза на патенти в Мелбърн.
The Melbourne Patent Examination Centre ще има за задача да прави експертиза на патенти заявки относно обекти свързани с химията, електрониката, инженерските науки.
Новият център ще помогне на Патентното ведомство да ускори разглеждането на нови заявки, както и да повиши сигурността на бъдещите патенти.
The Melbourne Patent Examination Centre е първото подразделение на австралийското ведомство извън столицата Камбера, което е свидетелство за силното развитие и внедряване на иновации в мегаполиса Мелбърн.
информация на IP Down Under.
on English
Patent Office of Australia announced the news of the opening of a new center for examination of patents in Melbourne.
The Melbourne Patent Examination Centre will have the task of legal expertise in patent applications on items related to chemistry, electronics, inzhenerskite sciences.
The new center will help the Patent Office to speed up consideration of new applications and increase the security of future patents.
The Melbourne Patent Examination Centre is the first division of the Australian Office outside the capital Kambera, which is evidence of strong development and implementation of innovations in Melbourne.
on English
Patent Office of Australia announced the news of the opening of a new center for examination of patents in Melbourne.
The Melbourne Patent Examination Centre will have the task of legal expertise in patent applications on items related to chemistry, electronics, inzhenerskite sciences.
The new center will help the Patent Office to speed up consideration of new applications and increase the security of future patents.
The Melbourne Patent Examination Centre is the first division of the Australian Office outside the capital Kambera, which is evidence of strong development and implementation of innovations in Melbourne.