PatentlyO публикува една интересна статия на професор David L. Schwartz касаеща ролята на NPEs (non-practicing entities) за правоприлагането на правата върху патентите.
NPEs са компании, които притежават патенти без да развиват стопанска дейност на тяхна основа. Единствената им задача е да следят за нарушаване на правата върху притежаваните патенти и съответно водене на съдебни дела.
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English version
PatentlyO has published an interesting article by Professor David L. Schwartz concerning the role of NPEs (non-practicing entities) for the enforcement of patent rights.
NPEs are companies that own patents not to develop business based on them. Their only job is to monitor for the presence of violation of patent rights and to litigate.
NPEs are companies that own patents not to develop business based on them. Their only job is to monitor for the presence of violation of patent rights and to litigate.