WIPO публикува брой 6 на списанието си. Броят включва следното:
- WIPO Re:Search - IP at Work for Social Benefit
- The Global Impact of the America Invents Act
- Safeguarding Cultural Heritage - The Case of the Sacred Wandjina
- Ian Hargreaves on Adapting IP to the Digital Age
- The Future of Publishing - A Veteran's Perspective
- Navigating an Expanded Domain Name Landscape
- Design in Poland – Transition to Modernity
- Homage to Steve Jobs - A Pioneer of Function and Form
- The Art of Binocular Perspective
- In the News
English version
- WIPO Re:Search - IP at Work for Social Benefit
- The Global Impact of the America Invents Act
- Safeguarding Cultural Heritage - The Case of the Sacred Wandjina
- Ian Hargreaves on Adapting IP to the Digital Age
- The Future of Publishing - A Veteran's Perspective
- Navigating an Expanded Domain Name Landscape
- Design in Poland – Transition to Modernity
- Homage to Steve Jobs - A Pioneer of Function and Form
- The Art of Binocular Perspective
- In the News
English version
WIPO published the latest issue of its magazine. It includes the following: