петък, 16 декември 2011 г.

Променя в базата данни за марки на USPTO - Changes in the USPTO trademark database

Американското патентно ведомство обяви новината, че считано от 16 декември 2011 въвежда нова система Trademark Status and Document Retrieval (TSDR 1.0), касаеща базата данни за търговски марки, която ще замени настоящата.
Чрез новата система ще се предоставя пълна информация за регистрацията на една марка на едно място. Освен това ще бъдат въведени и нови функции, като:

  • The ability to preview and print the status content being presented.
  • The ability to download a PDF or the original form of the status content (an Extensible Markup Language (XML) file).
  • The ability to view the mark as stored in the USPTO mark image repository, and expand the size thereof through mouse rollover feature.
  • The organization of content into logical sections, with a more logical arrangement of the content within those sections.
  • The ability to collapse and expand sections of the data.
  • The ability to move easily between status and document content.
  • The presentation of basis data at both the case and class levels.
  • Links to related properties, where applicable.
  • Access to Trademark status data without going to the TSDR site via an Application Programming Interface (API), which is accessible via unique URL’s that allow the retrieval of data in a specified format (PDF or XML).
  • Significant decrease in the amount of time between an update to the internal USPTO database record and what is available externally (seconds as opposed to hours)

English version

The U.S. Patent Office announced the news that a new system which is called Trademark Status and Document Retrieval (TSDR 1.0) concerning the trademark database will be introduced and replaced the current one. The new system comes into operation on December 16, 2011.
This new system will provide full information regarding the registration of a mark in one place. It will also be introduced and new features like: