четвъртък, 27 януари 2011 г.

33 IP mistakes - 33 IP грешки

Think IP Strategy публикува интересен списък с 33 най-често допускани грешки по отношение на дейността свързана с интелектуалната собственост. Те са:

1. Fail to Protect IP

2. Fail to Exploit IP

3. Fail to Maintain IP

4. Fail to Recognize IP

5. Fail to Protect Associated IC

6. Infringe IP

7. Lose Freedom of Operation

8. Have No Publication Strategy

9. File Too Early

10. File Too Late

11. Treat IP as a Legal Issue Only

12. Fail to Think Globally

13. Fail to Think Locally

14. Spend Too Much to Protect Too Little

15. Spend Too Little to Protect Too Much

16. Misunderstand the Strength of IP

17. Build Static Instead of Dynamic Defenses

18. Underestimate the Competition

19. Overestimate the Competition

20. Fail to Leverage Outside Innovation

21. Become Mired in the Day-to-Day

22. Fail to Optimize the Portfolio

23. Fail to align IP strategy with Business Strategy

24. Treat IP as a Cost Center

25. Accept the Tyranny of the Toos: Too hard, expensive, difficult, confusing, etc.

26. Take the Advice of Counsel on Faith

27. Mismanage Outsourcing

28. Be Satisfied with the Status Quo

29. Create Your Competition

30. Choose the Wrong Fights

31. Fight in the Wrong Places

32. Fight in the Wrong Way

33. Develop IP that no one wants

Както може да се забележи част от грешките свързани с интелектуалната собственост са от по общ характер и зависят в значителна степен от цялостната бизнес политика за развитието на една компания. Това е последната тенденция в областта на бизнеса и интелектуалната собственост, а именно и двете да бъдат разглеждани, като взаимно допълващи се елементи.

English version

Think IP Strategy published an interesting list of 33 most common mistakes with respect to activities related to intellectual property. They are:
As can be seen from the mistakes of intellectual property some of them are of a general nature and depend significantly on the overall business policy for the development of a company. This is a recent trend in business and intellectual property, namely both to be seen as complementary elements.