понеделник, 8 август 2011 г.

Changes in the Global Pharmaceutical Market and intellectual property - Промените в глобалния фармацефтичен пазар и интелектуалната собственост

Статия озаглавена The Structural Changes in the Global Pharmaceutical Marketplace and Their Possible Implications for Intellectual Property с автор Brian Tempest Partner, Hale & Tempest, разглежда промените във фармацефтичната индустрия по света и връзката й с интелектуалната собственост.
Основните въпроси разгледани в статията са:
1. The Traditional Pharmaceutical TNC Business Model;
2. The Response of R&D-based Pharma-ceutical Companies;
3. What Will Be the Impact of Large R&D-Based Pharmaceutical Companies Buying Generic Companies?;
4. What Will Be the Impact of Large R&D-Based Pharmaceutical Companies Selling in Developing Countries through Their Generic Company Acquisitions?м
5. What Will Happen if Large R&D-Based Pharmaceutical Companies Do Not Change?;

Пълният текст на статията може да откриете тук.

English version

An article entitled The Structural Changes in the Global Pharmaceutical Marketplace and Their Possible Implications for Intellectual Property with author Brian Tempest Partner, Hale & Tempest, examines changes in the pharmaceutical industry worldwide and its connection with intellectual property.
The main issues addressed in this article are:

The full text of this article can be found here.