LG подписа лицензионен договор с Microsoft свързан с патенти за Android и Chrome. LG използва Android в смарттелефоните си, според специалисти компанията се готви да стартира използване и на Chrome, което до момента не правеше.
Microsoft вече има 11 споразумения за лицензиране на патенти с HTC, Samsung и Acer.
Според предположения за 70% от продаваните смартелефони в САЩ има сключени лицензионни споразумения с Microsoft, който притежава огромен брой патенти за технологии в тази област.
English version
LG has signed a license agreement with Microsoft for patents related to Android and Chrome. LG use Android in it's own smart phones, according to experts the company is preparing to use Chrome too, which has not made by that moment.
Microsoft now has 11 licensing agreements regarding patents with other rivals as HTC, Samsung and Acer.
According to the assumptions for 70% of smart phones which are sold in the U.S. there is signed licensing agreements with Microsoft which has an enormous number of patents for technologies in this field.
Microsoft вече има 11 споразумения за лицензиране на патенти с HTC, Samsung и Acer.
Според предположения за 70% от продаваните смартелефони в САЩ има сключени лицензионни споразумения с Microsoft, който притежава огромен брой патенти за технологии в тази област.
English version
LG has signed a license agreement with Microsoft for patents related to Android and Chrome. LG use Android in it's own smart phones, according to experts the company is preparing to use Chrome too, which has not made by that moment.
Microsoft now has 11 licensing agreements regarding patents with other rivals as HTC, Samsung and Acer.
According to the assumptions for 70% of smart phones which are sold in the U.S. there is signed licensing agreements with Microsoft which has an enormous number of patents for technologies in this field.