WIPO съобщава за новите индивидуални такси за регистрация на международни марки за Мексико.
Новите такси са, както следва:
Новите такси са, както следва:
Amounts (in Swiss francs)
Application or Subsequent Designation
– for each class of goods or services 193
Application or Subsequent Designation
– for each class of goods or services 193
– for each class of goods or services 204
Таксите влизат в сила считано от 19.02.2013.
English version
WIPO has reported about the new individual registration fees for international trademark concerning Mexico.
The new fees are as follows:
The fees come into effect from 19.02.2013.
The new fees are as follows:
The fees come into effect from 19.02.2013.