Американското патентно ведомство има намерение да увеличи два пъти таксите за заявка и регистрация на промишлени дизайни в САЩ. Увеличението е продиктувано от желанието на ведомството за постигане на по-голяма финансова стабилност, която да предотвратява затруднения във функционирането на ведомството поради различни икономически причини. Както е известно през изминалата година Патентното ведомство на САЩ имаше сериозни затруднения относно финансовото си обезпечение с оглед на световната икономическа криза и спънките при одобрението на годишния бюджет на институцията.
информация на Class 99.
English version
The U.S. Patent Office intends to increase twice the fees for application and registration of industrial designs in the U.S. The increase was driven by the desire of the institution to achieve greater financial stability, to prevent problems in its functioning because of various economic reasons. As it is known in the last year the U.S. Patent Office had serious difficulties in its financial security which was due to the global economic crisis and setbacks in the approval of the annual budget of the institution.
information Class 99.
информация на Class 99.
English version
The U.S. Patent Office intends to increase twice the fees for application and registration of industrial designs in the U.S. The increase was driven by the desire of the institution to achieve greater financial stability, to prevent problems in its functioning because of various economic reasons. As it is known in the last year the U.S. Patent Office had serious difficulties in its financial security which was due to the global economic crisis and setbacks in the approval of the annual budget of the institution.
information Class 99.